Change PIN Code to Abacus Market

Change PIN Code to Abacus Market (GUIDE)
Instructions on how to change the pin code from an account on Abacus Market.
If you think that your PIN code is not reliable enough or for some other reason you want to change it, but do not know how to do it, this step-by-step guide will help you learn how to change your PIN code to a new one.
Step 1 – go to the edit profile page for your account.

On the page, scroll down to the "Six-digit PIN Information" section.

Current PIN – enter the current pin for the account.
New PIN – enter a new 6-digit PIN code for your account.
Confirm – сonfirm your new PIN code again.
Step 2 – apply the changes you have made so that they take effect.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the "SAVE CHANGES" button.
Now your new PIN code can be used to confirm important actions.