Activation of 2-FA on Abacus Market

Activation of 2-FA on Abacus Market (GUIDE)
Instructions on how to protect a user account using 2-FA.
Abacus Market takes care of the safety of each account and offers all users, without exception, to activate the 2-FA function.
Granted you have a PGP key associated with your Abacus account, you will be able to enable 2-Factor Authentication (2-FA) on your account for extra security:
Step 1 – go to the edit profile page for your account.

On the page, scroll down to the "SECURITY SETTINGS" section.

2FA – click on enabled two-factor authentication on login.
Current PIN – enter your PIN code in this input field.
Step 2 – apply the changes you have made to activate 2-FA.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the "SAVE CHANGES" button.
Now you will securely protect your account for Abacus Market!